OpenXchange 5 SOAP Admin PHP scripts

The commercial edition of OpenXchange 5
comes with some tools to manage users, groups, resource or group of resource.

This tools must be used in commande line and are located in :


There is no way to give a minimalist administration interface of their users,
groups, resources and group of resource with the OxAdmin interface.

So I made this few PHP scripts to act as a SOAP server.
This PHP script run each OXAdmin command line tools in a SOAP call.
They are the base of any web interface to manage the open-xchange server.
They use nusoap with PHP4.

Download now !

To execute this scripts you must :
– install some RPMs to have php4
– configure sudo to make the user running apache able to run the oxadmin tools
– untar the archive file in /var/www/html/
– restart apache

This scripts are under GPL.
Use, modify, send feedback, re-distribute.

Have fun,

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